On the way down, Daniel and I got to talking about how alone we felt. We had just heard some terrible news on the radio about a bad guy doing bad things, and I guess we just felt discouraged. We talked for a while about feeling like we were in a losing battle in this world and how it seemed like it keeps getting worse.
When we arrived at our hotel, we soon realized that the owners of the hotel were Christians. Verses and crosses were hanging on the walls of our room, worship music was playing in the lobby, and then we actually met the owner. He shared with us how he and his wife felt called to share God's love and truth with everyone that stayed in the hotel.
When does that ever happen? We had never stayed in a hotel like that before. We never have since. We know that God had set that weekend up to show us that we are not alone. We are not the only Christians in the world, not even close. We are definitely on the winning team, and God knows what He is doing.
I thought about that weekend this morning as I read Psalm 12:1. David says, "Help, LORD, for no one is faithful anymore; those who are loyal have vanished from the human race."
David must have been feeling like Daniel and me were that day on the way to the beach. Discouragement is a tool that the enemy uses to make us feel defeated. He used it with David, and he'll use it until God shuts him up forever.
Hear Jesus's words this morning from John 16:33 "...in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
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