I mentioned this in our monthly update emails...and if you aren't getting those and would like to just comment on here and I'll add you to it...but we have rats!! Or had rats! When we got home from visiting the States for 2 1/2 months, our house had a plague of rats! It sounded like a party was going on on top or our tin roof and wood ceiling because of all the rats running around and chasing each other. Our kids would tell us that they hear the rats running above their beds! We had to move Mary Kathleen's bed into the boys' room because the rats made her ceiling the bathroom or nest area. Her roomed smelled so bad and strong of urine that we had to move her and start working on getting rid of the rats!
So I started putting out rat poison everywhere and they would eat it all over night because it would be gone by morning. About 4 or 5 days went by and I never saw or found any dead rats. So I put out more poison...again, it was all gone by morning. Then they started coming out! We started finding dead rats everywhere! Every day! after two weeks, we have physically picked up 20 rats and because of the dead animal smell in three different places, I know there are more!! And I still see some running away from the dog's food bowl at night when I go out to feed her. Can you believe that! More than 20 rats were living in our house and above the kids' room! I was picturing that movie Ratatouille, or however you spell it, when that old lady's ceiling fell down and there was a colony of rats and she never even knew it! Imagine having more than 20 rats run into your bedroom at the same time! I'd hurt myself trying to get away. And these suckers ain't your typical field mouse or rat...the adults look like squirrels they are so big! But thank you Lord they are leaving and the urine smell is almost gone! And we can sleep without the rat race going on above us on the roof! There you go...
What We Do

- Eyes Wide Open Ministries
- We are a non-profit organization that works with pastors, churches, schools, and the local hospital in Chiquimula, Guatemala. We host training seminars for pastors, leaders, and youth from rural areas and we help supply the congregations with Biblical materials to minister to their communities. We visit several public schools to share a Biblical story and play with the kids. We also pray in the local hospital and give out toys, toiletries, and Biblical materials. Ways to Be a Part of this Ministry: Come - We need pastors and leaders to come and teach these pastors and leaders here in Guatemala. Or you could bring a group to work in the churches or schools with construction or evangelism. Financially Support - If you would like to support this ministry, please visit our website at www.eyeswideopenministries.com to donate online or send your donation to: P.O.Box 245 Florence, Alabama 35631 Make your checks payable to Eyes Wide Open Ministries. All donations are tax-deductible. Pray - Please pray we will follow God's leading in all we do.
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