Fearless Leader Special Ed! |
Well...the general idea of a group coming to do a construction project is to make things better and improve things...I don't know if busting the community water pipeline two times or killing flowers and plants or putting holes in the tin roof is part of that idea?? What do you think? lol But let me tell you, we had a GREAT time! The neighbors were coming out to see what all the fun was! And yes! it did get finished and everything is fixed and growing again. Don't stop reading here though...it gets better.
Killen UMC youth group came down to build a kitchen and bathroom for the pastor at the church on the rock. And my parents came as well!! Yea! The group raised all the money to buy the construction material and came to sweat and help finish the construction. It was the first trip here for many of the youth and their first opportunity and privilege to work with me! Haha! They were confused and really didn't know what to think or how to act at first, but they left with new names and a great experience! They started from the ground up with the kitchen. They had to dig the holes for the posts...and the ground is rock...hence the church on the rock...now we can say that the pastor built his house on the rock! Then they had to figure out how to make the rafters for the tin roof to go on. After we got the roof on, it was time to pour the concrete floor. This is totally different from the process in the States! You start by making a pile of sand and gravel on the floor, then pour the cement on the top. Then you have to "flip" the pile a few times using your shovel to get it all good and mixed up. Then you make a volcano like hole and start filling it with water, trying to keep the water inside and not running out until it is soaks into the cement...Then you pull it away from the pile little by little by filling 5 gallon buckets with the cement and carry it to dumb it out where needed. Well...when you got a old Bones, Special Ed, and some momma's boys and a scary bottle throwing girl, that's not so easy! lol! I'm joking...they did awesome! Besides stepping on Mari's flowers and plants and killing others when the cement mix poured out and covered them...or besides throwing large rocks down the hill and hitting the community water pipeline and sending water spraying out...they did great! Haha It was super hot! And the work is super hard! And they worked the whole time...well except for Ben. He was more concerned with getting Nancy's number or taking breaks...ain't the same as farm life. Just kidding! Praise the Lord the kitchen was finished except the walls which were later finished by the pastor. And the bathroom is still being finished by the pastor as well. Before the kitchen, his wife was cooking under a piece of tarp out in the sun! Rain or heat, she cooked there all day long! And she also cooked lunch for us every single day we were up there!! And it was delicious! Some wonderful folks and I praise God for His provision and for the Killen group for coming and loving them and the Lord through their actions!

Go Mae Mae!! |
What is Ben doing?? |
Pure Awesomeness!! |

Hannah had some interesting bug experiences worth mentioning...A grasshopper the length of a number 2 pencil was thrown into her hair and she LOST it! HAHA! I don't know why she lost it, but she almost took off the pastor's head with a gatorade bottle as she chunked it at Devin, the boy who threw it at her. After she stopped pulling her hair out and beating her head against the block wall, she stopped crying and could laugh about it by the end of the trip! HA! And she would see little granddaddy long leg spiders on the wall and dream they were godzilla and couldn't sleep at night! Bless her! She hung in there though and worked very hard. All she talked about was her bed, A/C and hot water! haha Good stuff! We also went to the Mayan ruins in Honduras and learned about the McIntyre Clan that ruled the place...the Poop Clan that was part of Ben's ancestors...and the Grissom clan from the Mayans in Mexico. The Aliens eventually killed most of them and they spread out and started other nations that we know today. Very educational!
The youth also went to the school in San Juan and played with the kids and taught them using the color coded soccer balls! Another great chance to share God's love and salvation to the kids and leave them the soccer balls to play with! And they went to the hospital and prayed for the kids and gave out toys with Brandi. A mind changing experience! We really enjoyed hanging out with the youth and getting to know them. And we had an awesome time with my folks visiting the grand kids and wonderful amazing son! Praise the Lord for His love and blessings He poured out through this group! Good stuff!
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