I have had a certain pastor on my heart now for about 8 months. I thought it was because he needed help finishing his church construction in his village. I have been praying about helping him this whole time and even came up with a little extra money once that we could give him, but that fell through and was not able to give it to him. So I went up to his village last week to see him and the church and visit some families to pray for and invite to church. We arrived and saw the church structure which is basically a pavilion built by another ministry here in Chiquimula last year. He had already bought the block to close it in but lacked other material to finish. So we wrote down the materials he lacked to see what we could do to help. During our visit and talking with the pastor I began seeing how alone he was in his ministry and how difficult it has been for him. He basically had to take over a church where the previous pastor had committed an immoral sin and had left the church. So he started off with a very tough situation and because of what the people thought about what the previous pastor had done, they left which left basically no one in the church. He started off by going to the Biblical Institution from the denomination he is under and just graduated this past December. Which says A LOT because he only has a 1st grade education!! He basically had to learn to read and write again while in seminary college!! WOW!! But praise God he graduated and is now back in his village and with his family. But because he doesn't have much help from within his church, it makes it very difficult to get out into the community and make disciples and evangelize those who don't know Jesus. It is not being done right now. So I began to see that all this time God was putting him on my heart to encourage him and help him get a jump start again in ministering to his community. Which is the very purpose that I feel God started this ministry. Sometimes I can be really slowww and blind!! So I have a few friends that are pastors from our seminars that also work with me in the ministry who are going to go with me to visit and encourage him and help teach him some pastoral administration and tips on restoration of churches and communities which have passed through tragic situations like the one with the previous pastor. I have to call and set up the day and time to go and do this. I pray that he is willing to receive the help and encouragement because he also works very hard and everyday in order to provide for his family. But both the other pastors who are going to help me work the same way and are going to give him some advise on how to manage time with the job and the ministry! I am soo excited and looking forward to see what God has in store for Enrique and this community. Please pray with me that the opposition from the enemy will not prevail and that the Light will shine like the stars to reach the lost and heal the hurt!!

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