Praise the Lord, we have never been without! NEVER! God has always provided for us at just the right time. Right now though, we are going through a season with our finances that requires a little more faith than usual, which is good. We all need those seasons, or we would never learn how much God truly does provide for our EVERY need. Yesterday morning, before church, Daniel and I were talking about how Jesus told the disciples in John 14 "whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." We were talking about how sometimes we just ask God to help us make it through the hard times, and we don't ask Him for the specific things we need because we don't want to burden God or something. When in these verses, Jesus tells us that we can ask for anything in His name...why? To bring GLORY to God!
So, last night, I had the opportunity to speak at a church for the first time in Guatemala (the church on the ROCK), and man was I nervous. I have taught here and led small house Bible studies, but I have never spoke at a church. Remembering Jesus's words in John though, I asked for God to speak through my inadequate Spanish, and Praise the Lord, God was gloried! But what truly WOWED us was that at one part in the service, the congregation took up a love offering of vegetables, sugar, oil, and other foods for someone, and we thought is was for a poor family in the village. After I spoke though, the pastor tells us that the offering was for us because God had told him that He wanted the congregation to show us His love and provision for us. THE FOOD WAS FOR US! This is a very poor church, but they were obedient to what God told them to do! It broke our hearts and humbled us and made us realize even more that God will always provide for us and He wants to provide for us because He loves us.
that was so cool!