e are soo happy and excited to have Uriah Nathan with us through this Christmas and New year. He has been wonderful and is adjusting soo fast to the trauma of this world and not the tummy world. We had a great experience at the hospital. We got in there with the doctor at 11:30 pm on Dec.. 14th and Uriah was born at 12:30 am on Dec. 15th. He was 9lbs 4ozs and 21in long. He has redish blonde hair and after the lie detector and a few interrogations, I'm not worried, but it is different to have a baby with that hair color for the second time in a role. His eye color is now coming in and they look like t

hey are going to be a dark greyish blue. After more interrogations and detectors with Brandi, we're going to make it through the different appearances. He is doing so good at night and seems to be adjusting to everything very well. The kids love him! They are so precious and tender with him. And everyone here says he looks just like a baby doll. So we are proud, if you ain't noticed, and very thankful for your prayers and support!! God is soo good and Faithful!

We managed to get a litt

le done with the ministry between Uriah's birth and Christmas. First of all, the morning that Uriah was born, I went with Jeff Edwards, another missionary, to take clothes, toys, and food to a family in the village where the church

on the rock that we built in Salfate is, and they were so excited! Jeff and his chu

rch back in the States sponsored this family for Christmas, and it was a blessing to see their faces when they received their gifts! That night, Jeff met us at the hospital to welcome baby Uriah into the world.
I also was able to go with our church here in the city, Casa del Alfarero, to the churc

h on the rock. Our church

took over 600 tamales (a typical food they serve here at Christmas time and other celebrations) and over 200 toys for the people in this village on Dec. 22nd. We did a little drama about the birth of Jesus and gave testimonies on the change in the house after Jesus was invited in. The

people loved the drama and eating tamales, since most in the village canno

t afford to cook them at Christmas. But they were very happy to get to eat them this year and get toys for the kids!
I also had the privilege of helping the missionaries, Larry and Marla here in Chiquimula, to deliver food and

gifts to two different villages again at the top of the m

ountains here in Chiquimula on Dec. 23rd. The site was beautiful!! And it was a blessing to be able to help and be apart of what they did for t

he lives of the people in the villages.
We had a wonderful Christmas. We celebrated Christmas Guatemala style which involves eating until 12 am and then shooting fireworks for the longest. Levi and Mary Kathleen were running around having so much fun. We were at our pastors' house that night. We actually had to wake up the kids the next morning to open their gifts here at the house at 9 am!! Imagine that parents! But we were out until like 2 am. Then we were invited to eat with some of our friends in another town called Ipala for Christmas lunch. Amazing turkey and mash potatoes!!! So we were too busy to be too sad that we weren't with our families in the States and were taken very well care of by our friends here in Guatemala! God is good!! And now we have my folks here with us until the 6th of Jan. and then my in-laws are coming until the 13th. So we are having Christmas up until the 7th of Jan.! Can't beat that! But thank you everyone who prayed for us with Uriah and for our Christmas in Guatemala! We are very blessed and happy and very thankful for our friends and family all over the world! We are already planning new seminars and school visits for 2012. Be with us in prayer for God's guidance in all our plannings. We want His will to be done and His kingdom to come in the ministry and lives in Chiquimula. Love y'all and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Daniel and Family!!
My goodness! I get tired just reading your blogs! After reading all these, I think I'm going to take a nap! HA!