Hey everyone!! Daniel has been on a evangelical trip with some village pastors for three days now up in the mountains. He'll be back tomorrow :) I'm glad he's got the opportunity to go, but we are ready for him to be home.
We just had our first group from the States leave on Wednesday, and it went pretty well. Getting the kinks out of the rooms and showers has been an adventure, but we were very happy to be able to have them here while they ministered to the people in Guatemala.

Right before the group got here, we were able to go to two of the public schools and do activities and Bible studies. We were sad we did not get to go to the school in a town close to Chiquimula with the older students, but t

he teachers had been striking for so long that by the time school was back in session, they had to prepare the students for the final exams! Can you imagine!!?? (Schools here go from January to October 15th)
Anyway, Daniel and Blake went to a public school here in Chiquimula, and the particular class they ministered to was a class of boys. They did a lesson on how everyone has a purpose in the body of Christ, and with the lesson they tried showing the students how to play American football. (All they play here is soccer.)

Daniel said that they got the point of the message but not the point of American football. Haha! Since both the guys were "playing", they didn't get pictures...oh well.

The same week, Daniel, Nancy, and Blake went to a public school in San Juan and did a lesson with them on building their house on the Rock of Jesus. They seemed to have a great time. We are sad because school is now out for "summer" vacations, and we did not get to visit the schools like we wanted to because of all the striking, but we are thankful for the time we had with them. Lord willing we will be able to do a few activities with them during their vacations.
A couple of week

s ago, one of the pastors that comes to the seminars brought a man that is in his congregation to our house that had been in a chemical accident at work and the chemical had got in his eye. His eye looked HORRIBLE because three months had past sinc

e the accident. He had been going to a public hospital and they had told him that he would have to have surgery that would cost money that he did not have, so he just didn't do anything and didn't tell anyone. Praise the Lord, we know an eye doctor here that is a Christian and did the surgery to remove the infection and pla

ce a large contact in his eye that will protect it, but sadly he will not regain his site in the one eye.
This surgery cost a little over $250, and if you feel led to give to this eye doctor and bless him, please contact us. Daniel and Blake went to go witness the surgery, and Blake almost passed out. I actually can't believe Daniel didn't because of his "surgery" experiences in the past. :) (I bet they'll kill me for putting this picture on here. Hehe)
I'm so behind on reading your blogs. Did anyone donate to the eye doctor?
ReplyDeleteDang Leigh Cron...That was last year and the Lord gave to him. Haha BUt hey if you want to depostit oh...400....thousand....million dollars then that's just fine.