I love our church here in Guatemala. Don't get me wrong, I love my churches in Alabama too, but God has truly blessed us with such a great church while we are serving Him here. The worship is awesome, the preaching is awesome, and it is very evident that they love God and love others. Our church here meets on Sundays and then has cell groups and prayer meetings throughout the week. Daniel and I are a part of the cell groups, and we love the prayer meetings. There is a prayer meeting at 5am on Saturday mornings with worship and prayer, and then the first 10 days of the month they have prayer every morning and evening. There are so many opportunities to be in the church and to fellowship with the body of Jesus in Guatemala, and we are very thankful to have that!
There are about 850 members in the church, but the Lord has truly started pushing them to keep growing and reaching the lost in this area. I thought it would be awesome to get our church FAMILIES in Alabama praying for our church FAMILY here in Guatemala. Please join with us as we pray for wisdom, strength, and guidance for the pastors, leaders, and members in Casa del Alfarero.
We love you! Thank you for your prayers!
What We Do

- Eyes Wide Open Ministries
- We are a non-profit organization that works with pastors, churches, schools, and the local hospital in Chiquimula, Guatemala. We host training seminars for pastors, leaders, and youth from rural areas and we help supply the congregations with Biblical materials to minister to their communities. We visit several public schools to share a Biblical story and play with the kids. We also pray in the local hospital and give out toys, toiletries, and Biblical materials. Ways to Be a Part of this Ministry: Come - We need pastors and leaders to come and teach these pastors and leaders here in Guatemala. Or you could bring a group to work in the churches or schools with construction or evangelism. Financially Support - If you would like to support this ministry, please visit our website at www.eyeswideopenministries.com to donate online or send your donation to: P.O.Box 245 Florence, Alabama 35631 Make your checks payable to Eyes Wide Open Ministries. All donations are tax-deductible. Pray - Please pray we will follow God's leading in all we do.
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