I have been reading James, and I think that most know that the beginning of chapter 3 talks about our dangerous MOUTHS. It starts out talking about how small the tongue is but how powerful it can be. Its like a rutter on a huge boat and a bit in the horse's mouth...although a boat and a horse are big, a small rutter and a small bit can direct them to go where they want them to. When I read verse 6, I started getting so sad. It says "The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell." The part of this verse that really caught my eye was how our whole path of life can be set on fire and destroyed by our mouths.
I was listening to the radio the other night, and the host asked people to call in and share stories of how their mouths got them in trouble. One mother called in and shared a story of how she has not seen her daughter in years and has never seen her grandchildren because of a comment she made to her daughter's husband. That mother's words set their relationship on fire.
Also, the power of our words can destroy the path that God has set out for us. When we let our words of doubt, fear, or insecurity direct our path instead of God, that path that God intended us to take will be burned along with all of the blessings God had in store of us.
Although there are terrible consequences to letting our mouths run wild, I can't help but think of that part on Lion King 2 (a favorite right now with my kids) where Simba takes Kovu for a walk to talk to him and they come to a place where everything has been burned. He tells Kovu that sometimes after something has been destroyed by a fire, the things that grow back our stronger and better than what was first destroyed if they are taken care of. God tells us the same thing. If we would give Him our burnt relationships and plans, He will restore them and make something good out of the ruins. Praise You Lord that You don't give up on us! But, please help us to go to You before we burn it all up.
What We Do

- Eyes Wide Open Ministries
- We are a non-profit organization that works with pastors, churches, schools, and the local hospital in Chiquimula, Guatemala. We host training seminars for pastors, leaders, and youth from rural areas and we help supply the congregations with Biblical materials to minister to their communities. We visit several public schools to share a Biblical story and play with the kids. We also pray in the local hospital and give out toys, toiletries, and Biblical materials. Ways to Be a Part of this Ministry: Come - We need pastors and leaders to come and teach these pastors and leaders here in Guatemala. Or you could bring a group to work in the churches or schools with construction or evangelism. Financially Support - If you would like to support this ministry, please visit our website at www.eyeswideopenministries.com to donate online or send your donation to: P.O.Box 245 Florence, Alabama 35631 Make your checks payable to Eyes Wide Open Ministries. All donations are tax-deductible. Pray - Please pray we will follow God's leading in all we do.
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