Hello. I hope everyone is doing good and keepin on keepin on. I want Leigh Cron to know that if you comment on these things I usually say something back on the same blog. Didn't know if you knew that or checked them again to see what I wrote back to you. Well I got a little overwhelmed this past weekend with all the things going on here that I felt was piling up or "my" responsibility. For example...our truck is not doing very good. We have had to put a lot of money into repairs and it still continues to mess up and need more work. After ever visit to the "wonderful mechanics" we have here I think that maybe this will be the last time we will need more work and money in this truck....THEN the next needed visit comes around rather quickly! So I am feeling pressured to make a decision on the dang wonderful truck and this decision involves money that really is not available...but the other side involves money in the repairs that really isn't available for that either. So we just spent 4,900 QUETZALES which is a little over 600 dollars to fix something that just got "fixed" less than two months ago that cost little over 200 dollars. And it is still making squeeky noises now. And then when this happens the people here all of the sudden need to borrow and use the truck all the time. Now I know that the situation only made it seem like I never saw my truck b/c it was being used by other folks but it was only a couple of times a day. Then the check engine light comes on in our car that we bought for Brandi after I put new sparkplugs in and thought I took care of the problem. And there are some things happening here that we don't agree with or think need to change more than disagree with and it all mushes together to make a dang bug headache and burden on your back! But God is faithful and GOD promises that he will always be with us and take care of us. I read in Hebrews in the 11th chapter about the people in the Bible and their examples of faith. And it says that all these people endured hardships and problems but they remained faithful for the majority of their lives and were recognized as men and women of faith. And then it says even though they did not get or see themselves the promises and rewards promised to them. They only saw them from a distance. And then chapter 12 talks about God disciplining us b/c he loves us and teaches us things for our own good. Their faithfulness teaches me and shows me that the greater reward for me is still to come. It says that if I live here as if I am from here then I will always think about where I came from and have opportunities to go back there and leave the will of God. So I know there is better things from me to come and this little petty truck problem doesn't mean a thing for me and God will provide for me needs like the ram stuck inthe bush for Abraham. I just have to keep on keepin on and keep my focus on God. If I truly believe that God will reward me if I diligently seek him then that is what I will do, diligently seek and do the things he desires and trust in his ways that lead me to abundant life. We are soo blessed to have vehicles here in Guatemala to get us around and do our work here. And I am glad God has given us the opportunity to share our blessings with others even though sometimes I am gritting my teeth when I say "yes." And besides that...our neighbor brought us a gift today from her mother...it was a meal that was still alive and crowing! We have to murder a live rooster and cook it! HA It ain't everyda
y that your friend says I have a gift for you and holds up a live
chicken. Poor Brandi...I wll have to take pictures and post them so everyone can laugh. We went visiting to invite the men in the neighborhood to come to our house Tue. for a Bible study but only got two houses done and two bags full of bananas and peaches and plantains. HA They are soo friendly and hospitible here when it comes to visiting and it doesn't matter when you show up b/c it WILL be unannounced but they will get gifts out and sit down and talk to you like you are the best thing to show up that day. So we will try again to finish tomorrow and maybe stock up for the month on fruit! But remember...something else God showed me in the village...The "trees" will look ugly and BARE for a season! But only while they are preparing to be FULL of leaves and flowers the rest of the time!! God is good!! There you go!
Daniel aka The Hertz Man
Daniel aka The Hertz Man
Hey Daniel! Yes, I try to go back and read to see if you commented back. Man! We are praying for you guys -seriously, we are! And we have been praying for you about your truck situation too. Thanks for sharing because it spoke to me because I'm so bad about giving into the feelings of being "overwhelmed". Here are just a few verses I've been holding on to these last few years:) "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith" Hebrews 12:2 (I so fix my eyes on the situation or my feelings too much instead of on Him!)
ReplyDelete"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us" Romans 8:18
"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful" Hebrews 10:23
So....are you going to be the one who has to kill that poor rooster? I know it's awesome to get chicken meat, but to have to kill it yourself?????? Make Brandi do it :) hee hee I would LOVE to see her yelling and chasing that thing around the yard!!!!! hahahahahaha I'm laughing just thinking about it! Love you!!!!
LEIGH!!! Girl, you come down here and kill it yourself!!! Haha, no she killed it for me and gave it to us this afternoon. (Thank goodness.) You should have seen our faces when she gave it to us. So funny! I feel like such a whimp living here. These women kill their own food, wash their close by hand, and breastfeed until their kids are 3years old!! I'm such a whimp!
ReplyDeleteNo, Brandi, you are not a wimp because you ARE there! I am a wimp by far!!!!!! Wow! Us American women have no clue!!!!