Hey y’all! We want to take a moment to share with y’all some of our favorite parts of the month of October! This was a crazy busy month but in the absolute best way! We were able to see God move in every facet of our ministry from schools to our outreach as well as stoves, seminar, youth, and the hospital too! We were even able to take some time solely to focus on the future of our ministry growth! This has been such an awesome month, and while we will be preparing to go back to the States during the rest of November, we can’t wait to see how He will use this ministry through the rest of the year and into 2020! So check it out!
In the States we celebrate Father’s Day and Mother’s Day but in Guatemala, while we do have these holidays, there is also a Kid’s Day where kids are celebrated! Each year, during the first week of October, this holiday is celebrated all over Guatemala with parties, piñatas, food, and even kites! What we did to celebrate was bring cakes to some schools and pizza to others to help make the students feel special! We visited four different schools during the week and also the hospital where we sang songs, decorated goodie bags, bought juice boxes, and handed out oranges to all the kids to ensure that they were not left out of the celebration!
We also want to share with y’all the lesson that we were able to teach in the schools this month. The lesson was based from the scripture in 1 John 1:9 where it says “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” We used dishonesty as an example in this where we talked about how lying can weigh us down but how at first it can seem like a good idea (to illustrate, we had a few kids hold out their hands and we poured chocolate syrup into them. Lying is messy but even so, sometimes it can seem sweet.) As time goes on though and we continue lying, the mess gets worse and worse (we added salt and pepper to the chocolate mess and had them taste it). Eventually you have a complete mess on your hands because of all of the lying and it is awful (enter garlic powder). We concluded by talking about how Jesus will purify us if we confess and wiped their hands off as we explained how he loves us and doesn’t want us to be bogged down by our own unrighteousness. We then played some games with the kids before leaving each school!
One school we visit is a private school in Chiquimula called CEICA. For an end of the year celebration, we invited the middle and high schoolers and their teachers to come and play volleyball. They had learned about the game throughout the year, but they were only able to play in a parking lot with a string for a net. The day they came, the students split into teams to play a tournament, and the winning team played against the teachers. Having them come and play at the ministry was so much fun and a great way to continue building relationships with them. We are so happy this court is able to benefit the students and faculty at some of the schools we visit.

We were blessed to have Pastor Jendrick Lobos and Jenny Perez, from Casa del Alfarero church in Chiquimula, here with us to teach a seminar on managing family finances. We also had Pastor Erick Velasquez teach one of the morning sessions on "How to make and operate a financial budget." Many of the pastors/leaders, and honestly many of us, do not take time to look at and learn how to manage finances and much less operate out of a monthly budget. And for most of us, it is because we do not know how to make a budget or understand the benefits and results of having one. Praise the Lord, Pastor Jendrick and Jenny were amazing at explaining this in such a way that most of the pastors and leaders were very excited and eager to start applying what they were learning with anticipation in seeing results and differences in their family finances. And after Pastor Erick taught step by step with them on how to make and operate out of their budget, they were able to make their own personal family budget during the morning session to take home and hopefully begin putting into practice. We are very thankful for having the opportunity and help from so many awesome people to bless and encourage these pastors and leaders and see God work in and fill their lives with His Word and Power!
This month seems to have flown by but at the same time, as we reflect on what was accomplished, we could not have had a more busy one! We devoted two full weeks of this month to focusing on adapting our ministry to tackle the future that He has in store for us in the most efficient way possible. As you guys know we have added a few new people to the team which ultimately means we will be able to divide and conquer in each facet of ministry but at the same time there is a period of learning that must happen first and so we had two of our pastors from the States come to help guide us through this season! At the beginning of the month we had our friend Robert Guiller from Utah come out to help us discuss how to develop the why behind the what. During this time we were able to put our culture on paper with some of our values and establish why we do each thing we do in this ministry. At the end of the month we had Stan Smith here from Texas come out to help us with the basics of answering the “how” questions for moving forward. During this time we discussed the importance of trust in our ministry and how that defines how fast or slow we progress. Both weeks were extremely productive and we are so excited to see how God will take this and use it to carry us into 2020!

Thank y'all so much for taking some time to read through some of the awesome things God did here in Guatemala in October! It's been such a rewarding month and we are ready to see how he carries us in to 2020 here at the end of this year!