Then we started the seminar with the pastors the next day. The ladies, once again, worked very hard cooking and preparing the food for everybody for the three days. The food was awesome!! There is one pastor called Enrique. One time during a seminar, he actually got up and left and went to a street vendor and bought more tortillas and brought them back for everybody. He can eat like 15 tortillas with his meal!! They are use to filling their stomachs with tortillas b/c there isn't much food. Well this time we played around with him and made sure his plate was extremely full of tortillas! It was hilarious! His expression was so funny when he first saw the tortillas and didn't know what to say...but once he figured out it was a joke he said, "Now you are getting close to the right amount." Haha But then at the end he was so full he didn't what more even when it was offered to him! Good stuff! A huge ministry from the ladies to these pastors! There is nothing wrong with getting a full stomach every once and a while.
We had a lot of comments and testimonies during this seminar. Many had never been taught the steps and details of setting goals and steps to meat the goals, or how to set up a leadership team and delegate things out to accomplish more in the ministry. Many were sharing that the material was really helpful, and they were going to take it back to the church to teach it to their congregations and leaders. One of the guys is a leader and not the pastor of the church...he set some goals and steps on how to start a discipleship program at the church in his village. He said that he was going to ask permission from the pastor to start it when he got back. Others for the first time were writing out their vision and mission statements, and understanding the difference between the two. It was great seeing their faces when they realized that they really hadn't put something in writing or thought specific about their vision and mission. But that was taking care of that day when they all took time to pray and write out their statements and then have them reviewed by the other pastors to maybe help revise them or reword them. We also did more dramas or skits on the story of Nehemiah and how he received his vision and what his mission and goals were to see it through. The guys did very well and some might have a future in the acting world. HA We also shared Communion or The Last Supper together at the end of the seminar. The pastors really enjoyed this the last time Bart was here and asked to do it again. Bart wanted the pastors to serve each other the elements making it a great fellowship time and an opportunity to serve each other and grow closer together. I can see these pastors growing closer together and starting friendships and accountability groups and prayer groups with each other. What an important thing for some who are so alone and so far away from others to have that help and encouragement from other pastors.
We were able to hand out diplomas again to each pastor for finishing the study on Effectiv
e Christian Leadership. They shared their thanks and appreciation to the guys for coming and teaching them and also to y'all for your prayers and support making this possible! They sent their blessings and thanks to "the people and churches in the USA." Thank you! And praise God for a great time with the pastors and for Bart and Stan coming to teach them!! God bless!!