Well we had another wonderful training seminar with the pastors in Guatemala on November 3rd through the 5th . Pastor Philip Skipworth came and taught on how to study the Bible. He taught m

any new things for these pastors. Many were sharing that the teachings were amazing and had a big impact on their spiritual lives. Some have told me since then that they are using some of the methods taught in the seminar to study different books of the Bible. This is what it is about! There were 17 pastors in all, and we handed out 14 diplomas at the end of the seminar. We

had some very good discussions during the sessions. I really enjoyed that because they seem to be getting comfortable with each other and thinking deeper and wanting to grow deeper. They split off into groups to do some homework and really came out with very good answers that showed how they are learning and using the Word. We were woke up the first morning with singing and playing guitars outside from the pastors. They all like to sing an

d just to give you an idea...Brandi fits in perfect with their style of singing...LOUD! Hahaha But it was awesome to see the fellowship

and challenging and encouragement going on between the pastors. They loved the bunk beds! They made the youngest guys get on the top bunks on the triples. And they were even nervous about sleeping up there. Good stuff! They really enjoyed Philip and his style of teaching and his willingness to fellowship and be apart of them. Philip brought some very impressive notebook folders with all the material that he and his wife put together. So we are going to have another day meeting in December or January to study more in depth in some of the material in the notebooks. I am excited to be able to review with them and see their growth and application of these principles in their lives and ministries.

We posted a video on Youtube to give you an idea of what we do. This video has a portion of one of the teaching classes, a night service, and the certificate presentation. It is not the best quality, but we hope it gives you an idea of what we do.
Follow the link --->
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jU7baCSUGBoPastor Phillip also brought some bulletproof vests with him as well, so

during his visit, we were also able to visit the San Jacinto Police Department and give them the vests. They were very excited to receive them and it was a blessing to be able to minister into their lives. Also, there was a "man" that need

ed ride home from the hospital after his surgery, and the bus would not take him all the way up the mountain to his house. So, we offered him a ride...but then when we went to the hospital to pick him up, we found out that we were also taking him and his family back home. Let's just say we were a little cramped.
Levi had the Rota virus during this week and Mary Kathleen and Brandi had a bacteria also. Brandi was taking care of the kids and helping as much as she could with the food and snacks. Nancy and Blake did a lot of work to keep things going smoothly and make sure everyone was comfortable. So we are so thankful to God for blessing us with another seminar with the pastors here. And we are thankful to Pastor Philip for all his work and for coming to teach and glorify our King in Guatemala. Thanks to everyone of you for your prayers during this week!! How we needed them and felt them! God is good!!
May His kingdom come and His will be done in the lives and ministries of these pastors! Amen!