Well we have some good news about the pastors that y'all have been praying for now for about a month and a half now. We went last weekend to visit them and give them some more food, and they all seem to be feeling better and looked better. Before, our visits were very short and not much talking because they were either sleeping or in too much pain to talk for a long time. Well this last time, the whole preachers don't know when to stop was our case! We had a great time with them and stayed for a couple of hours visiting and laughing. The biggest joke that went on and on was how they wives are going insane from having their husbands, the pastors, in

the house all day long! HAHAHA The pastors were talking about how their wives are treating them like kids and telling them to sit down and take better care of themselves. And the wives are saying it is hard to have them there all day and are praying for a faster recovery so they can go back to work. But it's funny how it all got started...I started it!! LOL Yes, maybe not the best idea but it sure was funny. They are very humble and patient folks so when I saw a little of the tension and realized how hard it really must be for them now, the Bryan McIntyre inside me came out and I started talking to the wives and the reactions and comments that eventually came out were hilarious!! The pastors usually wake up and leave around 6 a.m. and come back sometimes after 6 p.m. from work or visiting in the mountains. So they don't know how to handle being in the house and not being able to go, go, go. So pray that they make it and the love and tenderness between the spouses will grow and not dwindle. With their injuries, they still have so

me time before they can go back to work so continue to pray for their provision and needs. We have enough money from all of y'all giving to still buy food for one more week for them. Another ministry here, missionaries, are also helping tremendously with their needs and also with the pastors we do not know and can't reach. They have been huge with buying the meds and paying doctor bills. They also are providing food and seeing that they receive the proper treatment and care. Some very sad news...One of the pastors that broke his back is still waitin

g for surgery!!! The hospital says they do not have the material, the rods, to do the surgery and the missionaries can't buy them and give them to the hospital because the policy doesn't allow that so that black marketing won't be encouraged. So as of yesterday, between are contacts and the missionaries' contacts, we found a doctor here in Chiquimula that is willing to do the surgery for FREE!!, but he needs the rods to do it. So they are looking for the rods and waiting to get the pastor transported from the public hospital in the capital to Chiquimula. The doctor still has to examine the pastor to see if it is not too late for surgery because he has been lying in a hospital for almost a month and a half waiting!! So pray fervently for this pastor and the doctor and the other missionaries to be able to line everything up for

the pastor. The pastor's name is Seferino. The missionaries are Larry and Marla Johnson, and the doctor's name is Dr. Barrientos. Pray for them! And keep praying for the others to recover and heal completely and correctly. Brandi and Blake went with the Johnsons to visit the widow who's husband died in the accident. His name was Oscar, and her name is Seria. She is still cooking and helping in one of the feeding centers from the Johnson's ministry and does this voluntarily. She said that they are making it and are pressing on. Brandi took her a lady's gift basket to give her and asked how everyone was doing. Seria said that her six year old daughter is taking her dad dying the worst out of the family. At first, she was ok and would talk about her dad being in heaven, but now she doesn't understand why he hasn't come home and why she can't see him. Seria said that sometimes the little girl will cry all night for her dad. Please pray for this little girl and for the rest of the pastor's family. While they were there, the church people were there talking about getting a new pastor for the church so the ministry there could continue. They sure are strong people, but please keep them all in your prayers!
We also were able to go to the village in Camotan and finish paying for the doors on t

he church there yesterday. The pastor and his family gave us a huge lunch while we were they to say thank you. The pastor and

his family are composed of 11 kids and the parents, 13! So they do not have much money and often need help with food and other needs. But they actually killed their turkey for us and cooked an awesome lunch so we could spend time with them and be blessed by their giving to us! And turkey's here are very expensive. They had been feeding and r

aising that turkey for a while

and then they gave us more to take home and eat with us! OHHH that was so humbling and touching for us! An amazing example for us and reminder of God's love and willing to sacrifice and give to His people, since the beginning of the world! God is good!!! Love y'all and thank y'all so much for your prayers and giving to God's people in Guatemala!!